Guest Information


  1. ALL guests must be properly registered in the Pro Shop BEFORE play and, in the case of golf, guest tags must be obtained. Applicable fees must be paid in accordance with membership categories listed below. The guest fees are as follows:

    • $25 per day for golf

    • $15 per day for tennis

  2. Family Membership House Guest Privileges: Upon payment of appropriate guest fees, a house guest (overnight guest/s) may use the Club’s facilities for up to 14 days. For a person to receive privileges as a house guest, the host must be in residence.

  3. Individual Membership House Guest Privileges: Upon payment of applicable guest fees, a house guest (overnight guest/s) of an Individual Member may use the Club’s facilities for up to 8 days. For a person to receive privileges as a house guest, the host must be in residence.

  4. Senior Social Membership House Guest Privileges are the same as described for the Individual Membership.

  5. Individuals who reside in Biddeford Pool, other than house guests of members, are not entitled to club access or guest privileges except on a one-time, introductory basis when accompanied by a member.

  6. “Day guests” are those guests who do not reside in Biddeford Pool and are not overnight guests of members. Fees for tennis and golf must be paid for such guests, regardless of the host’s membership category. A member may have a maximum of 6 day guests per month. Each guest may use the Club no more than once per month. “Day guests” who are family members are NOT exempt from these per month limitations and are still bound by the payment policies and limitations. "Day Guests" must be accompanied by their host when on the Club grounds.

    During the off-season, when the Pro Shop is not open, the guest policies still apply, and members are requested to abide by them. If a member has a guest for whom guest fees are due, the member should mail a check for the appropriate amount to the Treasurer. To simplify paying off-season guest fees, pre-addressed envelopes are available at the Clubhouse, the maintenance facility, and from the Treasurer.

  7. Non-members renting the Biddeford Pool house of a member are not entitled to guest privileges deriving from the house owner’s membership.

  8. If a house is owned by more than one person, each owner must have a membership in order to use the Club. One owner may not use the facilities as the guest of the other owner(s).

  9. A member residing in one house and leasing or owning another cannot convey guest privileges to persons, including family members, residing in the second house. Those in the second house must have a membership in order to use the Club.

  10. A non-member child who is not a house guest may be a guest at children’s events once per calendar month. The guest must follow any sign-up policy that applies to member children, and must note their host’s name on the sign-up sheet.

Have a Question?

Contact the Club

Call the Pro Shop: 207-283-3811

Club and Pro Shop Hours

Please note that the entire club and pro shop adhere to these hours.

Golf and tennis are not permitted before the hours noted on Sundays.

High Season

July 1 through Labor Day weekend

Monday–Saturday: 8:30 am-12:00 pm and 1 pm-5:30 pm

Sunday: 12:30 pm-5:30 pm

Shoulder Season

June and September

Thursday-Monday: 8:30 am-12 pm and 1 pm-5:30 pm

Sunday: 11:00 am-5:30 pm

The clubhouse is closed Tuesday and Wednesday in the shoulder season.